Registration for the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) 2023 National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches at Camp Perry is now open! Held annually at Camp Perry in Ohio, the National Matches include the CMP National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches, the Pistol and Rifle Small Arms Firing Schools, the National Games Rifle Matches, the National Smallbore Matches and the National Mid-Range and Long Range Matches. These matches are conducted by a partnership of the CMP and Ohio National Guard.
Since their inception over a century ago, the National Matches have become a major shooting sports festival with over 4,500 annual participants. Held at the Camp Perry Nat’l Guard Training Base, the National Matches now include both indoor and outdoor events. Adult and junior athletes are welcome.
CLICK HERE for CMP Camp Perry National Matches INFO PAGE »
High Power Rifle Registration Page Smallbore Prone and 3P Rifle Registration Page |
Rimfire Sporter Registration Page Airgun Registration Page |
SEE the full 2023 National Matches schedule and other event info on the CMP website.
Story based on report by Ashley Dugan, CMP Staff Writer
The National Matches is comprised of the CMP National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches, National Games Matches, National Smallbore Matches, National Air Gun Championships and the National Mid-Range and Long Range Matches. The month-long series also includes a variety of educational clinics for marksmen and women at all experience levels. All events are open to the public and spectators are welcome.
Rimfire Sporter Rifle Match
The first event of the 2023 National Matches will be the Rimfire Sporter Rifle Match. One of the most popular annual Camp Perry events, the Rimfire Sporter Rifle match features .22 LR competition in open sights (O-Class), telescopic (T-Class) and tactical/unlimited (TU) classes, fired at 25 and 50 yards. A CMP Rimfire Clinic will be held prior to the match.
High Power, Service Rifle, and Vintage Rifle Competition
The National Trophy Rifle series includes prestigious matches like the President’s Rifle, Hearst Doubles, Rattle Battle, National Trophy Individual, and National Trophy Team events. For juniors, a special paired Junior Team Match is also on the schedule. The CMP’s High Power (HP) Rifle Championship series will include a 4-man team event and three 80-shot matches and will be fired on electronic targets.
The CMP offers many vintage and modern military rifle events during the National Games Matches portion, including the John C. Garand, Springfield, and Vintage Sniper matches.
Mid-Range and Long Range Rifle Matches (Multiple Rifle Classes)
A Mid-Range 600-yard event will be held, along with Long Range matches open to Match Rifle, Service Rifle, Palma Rifle, F-Open, F-TR or AR Tactical categories. The Long Range matches will be fired on Camp Perry’s 1000-yard Viale Range.
Smallbore Rifle and Air Rifle Matches
For 2023, the National Smallbore and National Air Gun schedules have been combined to allow competition in both disciplines. Anticipated events for both smallbore and air rifle include a 3-member elimination team event as well as an Aggregate for those firing in air rifle and three-position smallbore matches. NOTE: For the first time, all National Smallbore events will be fired on electronic targets!
For air rifle or air pistol competitors – check out the National Air Gun Matches, held on the electronic target range within the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center. This series features training, followed by two days of 60-shot competitions.
Pistol Matches — Traditional and Modern Formats
This year’s National Pistol events will again include a mix of traditional matches along with a series of 900 Aggregate matches for .22, .45 and Center Fire Pistol. The 2023 Pistol matches will also see enhancements to the ranges, with target lines set at 25 and 50 yards to eliminate moving between strings.
Small Arms Firing Schools and Junior Camp
Small Arms Firing Schools (SAFS) will be held for HP rifle, smallbore, and pistol. All firearms and ammo are provided for the live-fire portion of the clinic. And a 5-day CMP National Matches Junior Camp will be open for young air rifle and smallbore competitors. Other clinics include the CMP/USMC Junior Rifle Clinic and the CMP Advanced Highpower Clinic.
Housing on Base and at Nearby Hotels
Housing for the National Matches is available on the Camp Perry grounds. On-base accommodations include four-person huts, cottages, barracks, RV spaces, and camp sites. There are also numerous hotels in the nearby Port Clinton, Fremont, and Sandusky areas. CLICK HERE for hotel lodging information.If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the CMP at (419) 635-2141 or email